I am so excited to have my idea for the Nebraska at Heart Public Art Display be juried in. The Corgi is my sister's, Roxy.
Inspiration for this project was threefold - Nebraska’s 150th birthday, the Sponsoring groups, and a love of quilting.
The quilt pattern chosen for one side of the heart is a traditional log cabin pattern. Quilters are told that it represents log cabins built on the prairie with red center squares for the hearth. The light values of the block are for the sunny side of the house, the dark values on the opposite side are the shady side of the house.
Quilts were often made with treasured fabric, some hand woven, some salvaged from used pieces of clothing. Pioneer families traveling on the Overland and Oregon trails often chose to include quilts in the belongings that they brought along for the journey, bringing comfort to those who lay beneath them.
The second design is a quilted mosaic, many pieces that come together to make a whole. When viewing photo mosaics, the subject becomes clear when viewed from afar. The mosaic represents a welcoming pet, cared for in a loving home.
As with quilting bees, homes with family atmospheres for adolescents, and pet owners seeking help for their pets, close associations with others are so vital for healthy lives. This project represents the joy and contentment that comes from being a part of a loving home, as the quilt block represents.
The base will have a series of log cabin blocks arranged in a field and furrows pattern, reminding the viewer of the look of a freshly plowed field.
The quilt pattern chosen for one side of the heart is a traditional log cabin pattern. Quilters are told that it represents log cabins built on the prairie with red center squares for the hearth. The light values of the block are for the sunny side of the house, the dark values on the opposite side are the shady side of the house.
Quilts were often made with treasured fabric, some hand woven, some salvaged from used pieces of clothing. Pioneer families traveling on the Overland and Oregon trails often chose to include quilts in the belongings that they brought along for the journey, bringing comfort to those who lay beneath them.
The second design is a quilted mosaic, many pieces that come together to make a whole. When viewing photo mosaics, the subject becomes clear when viewed from afar. The mosaic represents a welcoming pet, cared for in a loving home.
As with quilting bees, homes with family atmospheres for adolescents, and pet owners seeking help for their pets, close associations with others are so vital for healthy lives. This project represents the joy and contentment that comes from being a part of a loving home, as the quilt block represents.
The base will have a series of log cabin blocks arranged in a field and furrows pattern, reminding the viewer of the look of a freshly plowed field.